How To Fold A Fitted Sheet
How to fold a fitted sheet
in 2 minutes or less…
I’m embarrassed to admit that it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I knew exactly how to fold a fitted sheet…
I was perfectly content just getting the job done as best as I knew how… tossing them into a pretty bin labeled “sheets”, concealing my hack fold job and all its imperfections.
And you know what... that system works!
There is really nothing wrong with that, but being a professional organizer, I knew it was time to step up my game…
I love a good challenge, but didn’t have a ton of time to dedicate to learning, so I did what most of us do when we want to know something… Google it!
After going down the YouTube rabbit hole, I felt like what I had anticipated to learn in 2 minutes or less, was taking me 2 hours or more.
Video after video, I felt like I was watching a David Blaine magic trick that I just wasn’t getting.
So I made like Joey from Friends, and stepped inside that map (ahem, fitted sheet.)
And being a busy mama and business owner, I had one non-negotiable requirement: that it take 2 minutes or less to complete.
Because let’s be honest, if it was going to take me any more time than that, I’d resort to my OG method of shoving them in a bin, and calling it a day.
I manipulated and near wrestled that fitted sheet until ...
I found a simple, time-efficient method for folding them that looks like a million bucks.
I hope this video saves you hours of frustration, or serves as motivation if you, too, are looking to step up your organizational game!
I’d love to know what method works for you and your family! Leave a comment or give us a shout on social media below…